Email Marketing

Email Marketing

Email Marketing is a very valuable marketing tool used to communicate with the potential customers. Promotional communication of products, services, seasonal discounts, etc. is done through email marketing.

It is useful in building loyalty, trust and brand awareness.It is the most cost-effective and environmentally friendly mode of communication.

Thousands of people may send an email at the same time or at a pre-determined time. Digistromer being the best Email Marketing Company in UAE, create customized emails for sending out to potential customers, updates to subscribers, Newsletter mailing, we also create lead capture pages and landing pages where the interested visitors can subscribe to receive updates, news or any other relevant information about your brand and products.

Here are some key aspects of Email Marketing services:

To get you the results you’re looking for, we’ll implement a comprehensive email strategy designed to convert. As with all areas of business, the more leads you have, the better. Our Services can help you build up an opt-in email subscriber list with targeted strategies both on your site and off. As your email marketing managers, we’ll constantly capture all of the leads from your website and beyond to build multiple subscriber lists and launch a variety of email campaigns specifically generated for the audience who will be receiving them in their inbox. We can also create “drip campaigns” that send regular emails out to your leads at a pace that maximizes open rates and click-throughs.

To make sure that we’re always capitalizing on what works (and not wasting time on what doesn’t), we’ll conduct tracking of key metrics of the emailing campaigns, including the click-through-rate (CTR), and keep track of all results on Google Analytics. You’ll receive regular reports of progress so that you always know what’s going on and where we’re seeing success.